Kia Sportage: Push-starting - Emergency starting - What to do in an emergency - Kia Sportage SL Owners ManualKia Sportage: Push-starting

Third generation SL (2010–2016) / Kia Sportage SL Owners Manual / What to do in an emergency / Emergency starting / Push-starting

Vehicles equipped with automatic transaxle and manual transaxle vehicles equipped with clutch lock system cannot be push-started.

Follow the directions in this section for jump-starting.

WARNING - Tow starting vehicle

Never tow a vehicle to start it because the sudden surge forward when the engine starts could cause a collision with the tow vehicle.

Jump starting
Jump starting can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Therefore, to avoid harm to yourself or damage to your vehicle or battery, follow these jump starting procedures. If in doubt, we strongly recom ...

If the engine overheats
If your temperature gauge indicates overheating, you experience a loss of power, or hear loud pinging or knocking, the engine will probably be too hot. If this happens, you should: 1.Pull off the ...

Other Information:

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