If your trailer is equipped with a braking system, make sure it conforms to your state’s regulations and that it is properly installed and operating correctly.
If your trailer weight exceeds the maximum allowed weight without trailer brakes, then the trailer will also require its own brakes as well. Be sure to read and follow the instructions for the trailer brakes so you’ll be able to install, adjust and maintain them properly.
• Don’t tap into or modify your vehicle's brake system.
WARNING - Trailer brakes
Do not use a trailer with its own brakes unless you are absolutely certain that you have properly set up the brake system. This is not a task for amateurs. Use an experienced, competent trailer shop for this work.
Trouble Symptom Charts
Trouble Symptom 1
Trouble Symptom 2
Trouble symptomProbable causeRemedyThe set vehicle speed varies greatly upward or downward"Surging" (repeated alternating accelerati ...
With central door lock switch
Driver’s door
Passenger’s door
Operate by pressing the central door lock switch.
When pressing the front portion (1) of the switch, all vehicle doors will
When pressing the rear p ...