Kia Sportage: Repair procedures - Automatic Transaxle Control System - Automatic Transaxle System - Kia Sportage SL Service & Repair ManualKia Sportage: Repair procedures

Third generation SL (2010–2016) / Kia Sportage SL Service & Repair Manual / Automatic Transaxle System / Automatic Transaxle Control System / Repair procedures

TCM Learning
When shift shock is occurred or parts related with the transaxle are replaced, TCM learning should be performed.
In the following case, TCM learning is required.
Transaxle assembly replacement
TCM replacement
TCM upgrading
TCM learning condition
ATF temperature: 60~115°C (140~239°F)
TCM learning procedure
Stop learning
Repeat the below shift pattern four times or more with stepping on the brake.

Driving learning
Drive the vehicle through all gears at D range. Drive from stop to 1st to 2nd to 3rd to 4th to 5th to 6th with keeping fixed throttle open.
Down shift from 6th to 5th, 5th to 4th, 4th to 3rd, 3rd to 2nd, 2nd to 1st.
Repeat the above driving pattern four times or more.
Up-shift throttle open : 15~30%
Description and Operation
Description Automatic transaxle system relies on various measurement data to determine the current control status and extrapolate the necessary compensation values. These values are used to con ...

Schematic Diagrams
Circuit Diagram ...

Other Information:

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