Kia Sportage: Cylinder Block: Components and Components Location - Cylinder Block - Engine Mechanical System - Kia Sportage SL Service & Repair ManualKia Sportage: Cylinder Block: Components and Components Location

Third generation SL (2010–2016) / Kia Sportage SL Service & Repair Manual / Engine Mechanical System / Cylinder Block / Cylinder Block: Components and Components Location


1. Piston ring
2. Snap ring
3. Piston
4. Connecting rod
5. Connecting rod upper bearing
6. Piston pin
7. Connecting rod lower bearing
8. Connecting rod bearing cap
9. Ladder frame
10. Oil filter bracket
11. Crankshaft rear oil seal

1. Crankshaft upper bearing
2. Thrust bearing
3. Crankshaft
4. Crankshaft lower bearing
5. Main bearing cap
6. Piston cooling oil jet

Cylinder Block

Cylinder Block: Repair procedures
Disassembly     • Use fender covers to avoid damaging painted surfaces. • To avoid damage, unplug the wiring connectors carefully while holding the connec ...

Other Information:

Mode selection
The mode selection button controls the direction of the air flow through the ventilation system. The air flow outlet port is converted as follows: Refer to the illustration in the “Manual clim ...

Schematic Diagrams
Schematic Diagram ...


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